Garden Update: Late May 2018

This year I’ve been doing more gardening than in previous years, and I think I’ve gone a bit overboard. In fact, I’ve been writing myself various notes about “holding back on planting too much” that I hope I’ll conveniently find sometime around February next year. And I’m still not certain that gardening has helped me destress and relax as much as I’ve thought it would. But that’s for another time.

Spring Turning Into Summer

The weather is heating up quite a bit, so we filled up the kiddie pool in the backyard today. After lunch, everyone hurried outside to play in the water, but the fun soon turned to tears and screaming when water was poured on an unsuspecting victim. I happened to be watching from the back door, and encouraged the offended sibling to “fight back”. This comment led to a full-on water fight, complete with laughing, screaming, and plenty of running around the yard.

Board Game: Rat Hot

Played a game of Rat Hot this evening with my wife. This out-of-print game takes a unique spin on the concept of tile-placement, where each player is attempting to pair up their color of “spices”, while trying to cover up any of their rats that might be showing. Expose too many rats, and you lose!

Last Tulips of the Season

I captured a photo of some tulips in our backyard after taking a walk this afternoon. These are probably the last tulips of the season, which makes it feel like spring is almost over. Of course, we still have a week or so to wait until it’s safe to really start planting vegetables and stuff in the garden, just in case we get the usual Colorado “surprise” snowstorm.