Mowing the Lawn
Over the last few weeks, we’ve had more rain in our area of Colorado, which has caused the grass to grow quickly. So tonight was mowing night. My youngest loves to help me mow the lawn with his toy lawnmower and has been looking forward to cutting the grass for the last few days. As we walked around the backyard behind our lawnmowers, I thought about how there wasn’t much communication. It’s just a bunch of walking around the yard together, me with a loud piece of machinery, my son somewhere in front or behind me. Generally, we’re not talking too much. We stop every so often to move something or empty the grass from the bag.

I realized it’s mostly just a place where I can walk and think, even talk to myself, while generally trying to make straight lines. I don’t usually do any focused thinking, but it’s a helpful time to process random thoughts and mull things over. And it’s always fun having a little helper alongside me.